Social Committee

Bylaws of your chapter dictate the responsibilities of each officer and board member. Here are the responsibilities of the Social Committee:

The Social Committee is responsible for all socials and related areas. This includes membership meetings, as well as securing membership meeting facilities and special program material for membership meetings.

It is important to find a suitable location for the monthly membership meeting, one with a private area so that you don't have to speak over others or interrupt their dinner. Some of the questions that you may want to ask the restaurant are: Will the restaurant provide hors d'oeuvres at no charge? Do we have to order dinner? Do we have to guarantee a certain number? What if there are more or less? Can you provide separate checks?

You will want to determine the format for the meeting. Some chapters have a social hour, meeting and then members can stay for dinner Others have dinner first and then the meeting - whatever works best for your chapter.

During the year you may want to invite some guest speakers for the monthly meetings, such as a local golf pro, a fashion show of the latest golf styles, swing analysis, safety for singles, dance instructor just to name a few.

You will want to secure a location for 19th hole after a golf outing. Check with the event coordinator to find out how many people will be attending. At the turn you may want to call the restaurant to confirm the reservation. If everyone is not familiar with the location you may want to pass out directions at sign in. It may work best if you use the restaurant at the golf course.

Make sure that all of the information is given to the newsletter editor on a timely basis. Invite members that could not make it to the outing to join you at 19th hole. Be sure to include not only the name of the restaurant, but approximate time, directions and a phone number. Many members are new to the area and appreciate having all of the information on hand.

Most chapters plan at least one social activity per month. It may be a happy hour in a different part of town than the membership meeting to allow members that cannot make the meetings a chance to meet. Some chapters use this as an auxiliary meeting place by bringing information about upcoming events.

Social activities do not have to be big affairs, just an excuse for friends to get together. Some of the most successful events do not require any planning. One chapter meets regularly on Friday nights. They have gone dancing, put together golf games for the weekend, gone to dinner and a movie.

Or check into what is happening in your town: Gallery Crawls, Jazz at the local museum, check out the "ethnic" festivals, go to the fair, chili cook-offs, movies, table for 12 (12 members sign up for dinner at a local restaurant), card party or game night at a members home, go to a brewery and make your own beer, sporting events, bowling, concerts are just are few ideas for the social calendar.

Here are some additional ideas for a year of fun.

  • January - Super Bowl Party at a members home, preferably one with a big screen TV. BYOB, bring a dish that begins with the letter of your last name or A-H bring app's, I-N bring main dishes and O-Z bring desserts
  • February - Valentine's Day. All kinds of possibilities. Or, host a "Love on the Links" golf tournament and kick off a membership drive. Here's a great article to read relative to Valentine's Day promotion
  • March - St Patrick's Day - another reason to party!
  • April - Master's Party - at the golf outing have everyone draw the name of golfer in the Masters. Then after the tournament take your net score and the score of the golfer you drew to see who wins.
  • Summer- a great time for a picnic with games, softball, egg toss, pie eating contest. Pool party. Get together on the 4th of July and watch the fireworks. Also, the British Open is usually held in July.
  • October - Halloween Party
  • November - host Thanksgiving potluck dinner
  • December - Holiday party

The social committee members should keep their ears open as to what the members want. Too many activities are not good - attendance will be watered down; too few are even worse!