"Legal Stuff" from ASGA Application Form
Updated 11/26/24 - Access at SinglesGolf.com/legal-stuff

NOTE: ASGA DOES NOT CONDUCT BACKGROUND CHECKS ON APPLICANTS FOR MEMBERSHIP OR MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION. Golf can be a dangerous sport. Accidents can occur by you or another party striking a golf ball, by a golf cart turning over, or simply falling down steps. PLEASE TAKE ADEQUATE PRECAUTION when playing in ASGA events. Chapters and individuals running golf tournaments are not professionals but are volunteers, and therefore, you must assume additional responsibility for your own safety. Please abide by the safety rules posted inside your golf cart, at the golf course, as well as the official website of the United States Golf Association (www.USGA.org). If you have a safety concern, you must immediately bring it to the attention of the person(s) running an event, your chapter president or golf course management personnel.

NOTICE - View these terms online at www.SinglesGolf.com/Legal-Stuff

ASGA does not conduct background checks on applicants for membership or current members.

Golf Safety Warning: Golf can be a hazardous sport. Accidents may occur, including being struck by a golf ball, golf cart accidents, or falls. Please exercise caution when participating in ASGA events. Chapters and individuals organizing events are volunteers, not professionals. You are responsible for your own safety. Follow all posted safety rules, including those on the golf cart, at the golf course, and as outlined by the United States Golf Association (www.USGA.org). If you have a safety concern, promptly inform event organizers, your chapter president, or golf course management personnel.

RELEASE FROM LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK - By participating in activities organized or sponsored by ASGA, Inc. (d/b/a American Singles Golf Association), its chapters, or affiliates in the United States and Canada, you agree to the following:

  • Release of Liability: You, the undersigned ("Releasor"), on behalf of yourself, heirs, distributees, guardians, and legal representatives, release and indemnify ASGA, its directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates ("Releasees"), from all claims, including those related to personal injury, death, property loss, or damage. This release applies to both known and unknown claims, except in cases of gross or willful negligence.
  • Assumption of Risk: You acknowledge that golf and related activities inherently involve risks, including health-related risks. By participating, you voluntarily accept these risks, including potential injury, death, and property damage.
  • Legal Consequences: You confirm you have read this release, understand its implications, and agree that it will be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by your state of residence. If any portion of this release is deemed invalid, the remainder will remain in effect.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Membership in ASGA is effective upon receipt of dues and remains valid for the selected membership period, subject to these terms:

  • Eligibility: You must be 21 or older and single (defined as never married, divorced, legally separated, or widowed); and by joining, you accept the terms of the Release from Liability and Assumption of Risk above.
  • Non-Refundable Dues: Membership dues are non-refundable and subject to change.
  • Use of Information: Membership lists, emails, and other provided data are ASGA property and are for ASGA purposes only. Your information may be shared with other members and on www.SinglesGolf.com, unless you request otherwise.
  • Opt-Out Clause: You may opt out of sharing specific personal information by emailing to      info@SinglesGolf.com the information you wish to have excluded from your chapter roster. ASGA is not liable for inadvertent publication of opt-out information.

PRIVACY POLICY - See www.SinglesGolf.com/privacy for details.

DISPUTES - All disputes concerning membership terms or conditions are governed by the laws of North Carolina. Legal proceedings must be filed in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

AGREEMENT TO POLICIES - By submitting this application and payment, you agree to abide by ASGA's national and local chapter policies and bylaws, as outlined at: www.SinglesGolf.com/policy and www.SinglesGolf.com/bylaws, as well as at local chapter websites or newsletters.