No Chapter Nearby? Join as an At-Large Member! We're sorry we don't have a chapter in your area! We're still a growing organization - and we're planning to grow your way - eventually! In some areas of the country, however, we may never have a chapter due to the remoteness and low population of an area. However, we don't want to leave anyone out - - so we're offering At-Large membership to individuals who are in remote areas and cannot make regular membership meetings or play golf regularly with a local club. At-Large membership is not available to individuals who live within a reasonable drive to a local chapter. It is ONLY for single golfers who cannot attend and participate in local chapter activities due to proximity. For example, if you're 100 miles from our nearest chapter, you're definitely eligible for At-Large membership. But if you're 25 miles down the road, sorry, At-Large membership is NOT available to you. The benefits of At-Large membership vary slightly from regular membership. You receive all of the regular membership benefits except that you do not receive a local chapter newsletter, roster, or have local chapter meetings. If you travel, you're welcome to attend other chapter meetings and play in golf outings, subject to available tee time slots. Dues are the same as regular membership. You'll receive occasional e-mails from the national office on upcoming multi-chapter events and other news so your best best is to always check-back here to see what's going on. To apply for At-Large membership, click here or call 980-833-6450, 9:00am - 2:00pm, eastern time. Just say you'd "like to join as an At-Large member." If you apply online, just make sure that when you see the list of chapters, you check the "At-Large" at the top of the list of all chapters. You can join for one year, two years (joining two years gets you a free logo'd ASGA golf shirt) or "buy three years get the fourth year free." We accept all major credit cards. Upon joining, you'll be mailed a membership kit including a membership card. Now you're eligible to attend any and all national events and play in local events, again, subject to availability of slots and local policy. To play in local outings, just go to the List of All Chapters (see link, top left) and see who's playing where, when, etc. If you'd like to join now as an At-Large member and interested in starting a chapter in your area, click here. Otherwise, to join as an At-Large member only, click here.
American Singles Golf Association, Post Office Box 848, Pineville, NC 28134