Why Does Singles Golf Work? We are a very unique organization! Either through a friend, co-worker, fellow golfer, the Internet or some other manner, you heard about the American Singles Golf Association - - single people meeting other singles at monthly chapter meetings or while playing golf - - or at one of the many social events the local chapter runs . . . Now, you want to take part in the fun - - meet new friends - - play more golf - - be around people like YOU! You’ve done the nightclub thing, loud music and smoke-filled rooms, and you might even have tried meeting people through other singles clubs and church groups. But for some reason, nothing worked out. You know that life can offer more, and it’s just a matter of getting on the right track. So why the golf course?
Singles Golf has worked well in a number of cities and towns across America. Although you might think “people are different” in your city, they really aren’t. They have the same desires for enjoying life as do people in other parts of the country. And, fortunately, we have nature on our side: men enjoy women and women enjoy men. It’s only natural that we enjoy each other in a natural setting such as the golf course.
American Singles Golf Association, Post Office Box 848, Pineville, NC 28134