Grow From a Golf Show!
Hit a high concentration of golfers with an exciting booth!

Golf Shows are an important venue for the promotion of your local chapter.  Even though you'll see a lot of married folks, they're bound to know of someone who is single and plays golf.  Don't just smile as they walk by, but be proactive.  Hand them a brochure while asking them "Are you single or know someone who is?"

Get Their Info

What would make you give your name, address, phone, and e-mail address to someone at a golf show booth?  A chance to win a free round of golf?  A coupon for $10-20 off a round of golf (donated by a local golf course)?

When you have someone visiting your booth, you'll probably have to give them an incentive to leave their personal information.  Make sure you have them use the Guest Registration Form we use at membership meetings.

Give Away a Free Round of Golf

Anything free always gets their attention.  In 2011, our new Denver, CO chapter contacted two local golf courses and made this offer to them:  a) we'd like to bring a golf outing or two to your course over the next year.  We will golf and even have dinner afterward; and, b) at our golf show booth this year, we'd like to give away a round of golf for anyone who joins on the spot.  Would you be willing to give us a certificate in that regard (you can name the terms and conditions, e.g. Mon-Thur only, after 1 pm on weekends, etc.)?

Well, not only did one course do the "deal," but two were happy to do so.  The result?  25 new members joined the Denver chapter over the two days of the show.  In addition, over 100 people signed up on the "interested" sheet, offering their e-mail addresses as contact info.

So you say "no course in my area would do that."  News Flash:  the Tiger Phenomenon is over.  Courses need players.  There's too much inventory on the market.  Giving away a round of golf actually brings business to the course.  These folks buy in the pro shop, they eat there and they tip.  If they enjoyed the experience, they come back.  It's up to you to sell the course on this.  Make it a win-win-win for your chapter, the new member and the golf course owner.

Judging from past turn-outs, we know a lot of people go to golf shows to get out of the house during the winter time and to look for freebies at the show.  We're such a believer in what the free round(s) can do for your chapter, that we're altering our reimbursement policy*.  See below.

Get Them to Sign-Up for Next Golf Outing

It's quite possible they want to play golf as soon as possible.  As a guest, they're allowed to attend one event without having to pay dues, so why not get them signed-up for your next golf outing?  Have a sign-up sheet.  Yes, they are strangers and they may not show up, but by them signing-up, it shows a real interest on their part.  You may require a down payment for the outing or, give them a return envelope for them to send in their check by a certain date.  Regardless, they must give you general information about themselves so you'll know how to follow-up.

The Display

ASGA National is pleased to provide to chapters a table-top "wave display" for its perusal.  The display is on loan to the chapter and the chapter is financially responsible for the safekeeping of this display while it is in the chapter's possession.  Replacement cost is $750.00.

The display mounts onto a 6' table which sits at the rear of your 10x10 display booth.  The frame is mounted to the table, then the felt cover adheres with Velcro to the frame.  The graphics, which are the expensive portion of this display, adhere with Velcro to the felt cover.  To see the graphics, click here.

Reservation for the display is on a first-come, first-served basis.  The chapter is responsible for shipping costs of the display either to the next chapter or back to ASGA National IMMEDIATELY after the show.  In some cases, time is of the essence, requiring the chapter to pay for 2-3 day guaranteed UPS service, costing $90 to $150, depending on how fast it needs to be at the next location.  For example, if your show runs Friday through Sunday and the next chapter needs it the following Thursday, you need to ship it out Monday for a Wednesday or Thursday guaranteed arrival.  You will be coordinating the shipping with ASGA National as only ASGA National shall indicate where it should be shipped to next.  You cannot keep the display for more than one event without the expressed, written permission of ASGA National.

Financial Support from ASGA National

In the past several years, ASGA National has paid for 85.75% of the cost of the booth, the percentage of dues that belongs to the national association.  The chapter would pay the balance.  Most booth spaces ran $350 to $600.  The idea was that if the chapter had some "skin" in the game, everyone would recoup their investment.  This has not happened.  In reviewing the past dozen golf shows we have supported, it was very rare that we ever broke-even.  In other words, the display cost far exceeded the investment.  So the "old" method of supporting these display booths at golf shows is a thing of the past.

We're changing the incentive.  Beginning with all shows after October 1, 2012, chapters will need to pay the entire cost of the booth.  ASGA National will not have any financial responsibility.  ASGA National will provide the display booth banner and/or materials as available, again, on a first-need, first-served basis.

The good news is this:  your chapter will receive 100% of the proceeds from the membership dues that have been paid as a direct result of the specific golf show which you have rented a booth.  The 100% rebate applies to any checks or online payments that are received by the national office within thirty (30) days from the last day of the show.  Any checks or online dues payments that arrive at the national office must indicate "golf show" on the payment so as to separate these payments from the other payments that come in from your chapter.  This allowance is only and absolutely for new members, not any of your renewing or past members. 

The purpose of this is obvious:  you put on a good show, you get incentives such as free golf rounds as give-aways,  you get folks excited about joining your chapter, finding love on the links, etc., and then they join.  If they don't join on the spot, they don't get the free gifts but you still have 30-days to "work the lead."  Got the idea?  Bigger risk on your part, the bigger the reward in the end.  So everyone from your chapter president and your Board of Directors needs to be behind this effort, otherwise, it will be money down the drain.

Suggestions for a Successful Show

ASGA National wants your chapter to have a successful golf show. Here are some suggestions that we've found from past shows that will get you a better price on your booth as well as increase your chances of new members:

  • before the show begins, schedule your first golf outing and have a sign-up sheet for that first outing. It's likely wintertime and real golfers can't wait for the good weather to break. Even if they are not a member, they have something to look forward to.  After they've played golf at the outing, ask them if they'd like to join.  Click here for the golf outing sign-up sheet.
  • the chapter should provide at least one (1) "free round of golf" certificate from a local golf course to individuals who join "on the spot," at the golf show. Courses typically don't mind because such certificate will generally be valid on a weekday and/or require another player to play with them.
  • the booth should be manned by your members during show hours.  Unmanned booths yield a zero return. You're just wasting your money at this point.
  • members should wear an ASGA logoed shirt while manning the booth
  • before you sign with the show promoter, negotiate.  We have found that in 100% of the cases, show promotors will discount to organizations like ours.  We've rarely paid over $500 and many times, fees of as much as $900 were reduced to half.  They might not do it right away, but one-month from the show, with empty spaces, your chances increase dramatically.
  • members should pass out the official application-brochures to the booth visitors
  • the chapter must agree to forward to ASGA National the names, addresses, etc. of any person visiting the booth, assuming such information was collected.  Doing so puts that person on the chapter mailing list.  Preferably, the chapter should enter each of the names of the visitors to the "Add-A-Guest" area of the homepage:  Managers of chapters can access this information in report form "on demand" by going to: and keying in their username and password.

Also . . . 

  • standard dues amounts must be charged to the new member, i.e. $99 for one year, $198 for two years which includes an ASGA logoed shirt and $297 for "buy three years, get the fourth year free."  
  • the chapter must sign the agreement with the trade show company under the chapter name, not ASGA National.
  • no contract shall be signed in the name of the "American Singles Golf Association," or "ASGA, Inc." and chapter may not obligate the assets of ASGA, Inc. for this or any other event.
  • the chapter must pay for shipping of the trade show materials to either the next chapter in-line for the materials or return shipping to ASGA National, at ASGA National's direction
  • a photo of the actual booth, as set-up, should be e-mailed to ASGA National (
  • the chapter must pay for any damage or lost parts to the materials we provide.
  • the booth must be in the name of "___________ (your chapter/city name) Chapter of the American Singles Golf Association", e.g. Chicago Chapter of the American Singles Golf Association.  The booth signage must not say "Chicago Singles Golf Association" (inappropriate name).
  • the chapter's Board of Directors must authorize and support the golf show booth and so notify ASGA National (
  • the chapter must agree to forward to ASGA National the names, addresses, etc. of any names or contact info collected at the booth, assuming such information was collected.  Doing so puts that person on the list for national emails regarding multi-chapter events and other emailings. Preferably, the chapter should enter each of the names of the visitors to the "Add-A-Guest" area of the homepage:  Managers of chapters can access this information in report form "on demand" by going to: and keying in their username and password.



Press Releases / Marketing Support

You may be interested in telling the world about your booth at the local golf show.  And once you're set-up, you'll want some information to hand out to visitors.  Unfortunately, we don't have free golf balls, frisbees and pencils to give you, but if you visit this website, you might find some things that will help you in a variety of ways.

Golf Shirts for Your Members

Image is important so ASGA will help you with your show image.  ASGA logoed golf shirts (men & women) are available for a mere $12.00 each for show participants only.  These are not to be sold to members who do not participate in the show.  E-mail the office ( and give us the number of shirts you'll need, broken down by sex and size (e.g. 4 large men, 2 medium men, 3 large women, 2 medium women, 1 small women, etc.)  Give us your "ship to" address and we will ship these to ONE location only via UPS Ground.  If you need them expedited, you'll have to pay the expedited costs.  You'll need to send a check to ASGA, PO Box 848, Pineville, NC 28134 or call and give us a credit card number.  The number to call is 980-833-6450 or 1-888-GOLFMATE.

We will try our best to get all of the men's shirts the same color and the same color with all of the women's shirts as well, however, at this price, we cannot guarantee all shirts will match, however, all shirts will have the ASGA logo on them.

How to Reserve

If you wish to use the golf show display, please contact the national office at

Who Has Already Reserved?


Cincinnati Chapter - January 16-18, 2009 show dates

Southeast Michigan - March 6-9, 2009 show dates

Milwaukee Chapter - March 13-15, 2009 show dates


Chicago Chapter - February 26-28, 2010 show dates

Central Mass Chapter - February 27-28, 2010 show dates

Southeast Michigan - March 4-7, 2010 show dates


Denver Chapter


Denver Chapter - February 10-12, 2012

Tampa Bay Chapter - February 18-19, 2012

Kansas City Chapter - February 24-26 show dates

Southeast Michigan Chapter - March 1-4, 2012 show dates

Hartford Chapter - March 9-11, 2012 show dates

Albany Chapter - March 24-25, 2012 show dates


Kansas City Chapter - February 22-24 show dates

Denver Chapter


Denver Chapter - February 20-22, 2015 show dates

Hartford Chapter - March 20-22, 2015 show dates

Albany Chapter - March 27-29, 2015 show dates


Washington, DC - Feb 5-7, 2016 show dates

North Jersey - February 19-21, 2016 show dates

Denver - February 19-21, 2016 show dates

Albany - March 11-13, 2016 show dates

Hartford - March 18-20, 2016 show dates


Washington, DC - February 2-5, 2017 show dates

Denver, CO - February 10-12, 2017 show dates

Hartford - March 24-26, 2017 show dates


Philadelphia - Feb 9-11, 2018 show dates

Denver - Feb 9-11, 2018 show dates

Albany - March 16-18, 2018 show dates

Hartford - March 23-25, 2018 show dates


Washington, DC - February 1-3, 2019 show dates

Denver - February 8-10, 2019 show dates

Tampa Bay - February 23-24, 2019 show dates

Albany - March 16-17, 2019 show dates

Hartford - March 22-24, 2019 show dates


Denver - Feb 7-12, 2020 show dates

Hartford - March 20-222 show dates



Hartford - Feb 18-20, 2022 show dates

Denver - Feb 25-27, 2022 show dates



Washington, DC - Feb 10-11, 2023 show dates

Denver - Feb 17-18, 2023 show dates

Hartford - Mar 24-26 show dates




Recent Shows

  Milwaukee Chapter's Booth at Milwaukee Golf Show 2009

  Hartford Chapter's Booth, March 2012