Cancellation / Sick Policy
These policies apply only to events sponsored, hosted and run by ASGA National

Some ASGA events are hosted by local chapters or non-affiliated tour operators and, as such, this cancellation policy may not apply.  Check with local chapters or the cruise line or tour operator to determine their policies.

The cancellation policy as referred to below does not apply to events held outside of mainland USA. See those event websites on their cancellation policy.
Registration fees paid to attend ASGA National's Multi-Chapter Events (MCE's) are non-refundable, as typically indicated on each registration form, after a certain date, or refunds may be pro-rated.  If you cannot attend, you may sell your position to another member.  If stated in the event registration information, there may be a charge to transfer your registration to another person.

ASGA National will not refund registration fees, whether we have been charged or not, if you simply decide you don't want to attend the event.  Everyone has situations that surface from time-to-time, however, ASGA has no obligation to refund your fees or sell your position to another member and is not responsible for doing so in instances where you cannot attend.  Please make every effort by asking members in your chapter if they can take your place in the instance you are sick or cannot attend.

Travel Protection is provided by Travel Safe.  If you elect to not purchase travel protection, you may be at some personal loss.  The important thing is that you typically must sign-up for travel protection within a short period of time after placing your first deposit on a trip.  See the event website for more details.  


Our refund and cancellation policy has been as stated on our registration forms for years, generally, by stating "Absolutely NO REFUNDS after (a certain date)."  We have made exception to this policy in situations of sickness, death, travel problems, but those exceptions have never been reduced to writing, until this date, January 16, 2007.  They are as follows:


In case of sickness, fees are non-refundable unless you have a written doctor or hospital explanation received by ASGA.  In such cases, ASGA will attempt to refund any portion of your registration fee it can, however, we must revert to the refund policies at our various hotels, courses, etc. that accommodate us.  (Example: you've injured yourself and have provided a doctor's note.  You don't notify us in time with a written note and the hotel charges us the first night.   Since we got charged, you must get charged.)  If no note is presented within five (5) business days of the event's beginning date, we cannot offer or even attempt to secure any refund.  After presenting the note, please contact the national office for confirmation of receipt of that note.  Notes and any back-up materials can be emailed to


In case of travel problems, such as airport closures, fees are non-refundable unless you 1) show written proof that an airline ticket was purchased by you for this event and 2) some indication from the local airport or airline that the airport was closed.   In such cases, ASGA will attempt to refund any portion of your registration fee it can, however, we must revert to the refund policies at our various hotels, courses, etc. that accommodate us.   If a note is not presented within five (5) business days of the event's beginning date, we cannot offer any refund or attempt to secure any refund.  After presenting the note, please contact the national office for confirmation of receipt of that note.  Notes and any back-up materials can be emailed to


If there was a death in the family, again, provide some written verification.  In such cases, ASGA will attempt to refund any portion of your registration fee it can, however, we must revert to the refund policies at our various hotels, courses, etc. that accommodate us.  If no note is presented within five (5) business days of the event's beginning date, we cannot offer any refund or attempt to secure any refund.  After presenting the note, please contact the national office for confirmation of receipt of that note.  Notes and any back-up materials can be emailed to

Other Reasons

If there are any other reasons for your not attending, such as a best friend dying, a co-worker dying, a co-worker sick, a family member who is sick, your dog is sick, etc., please understand that there is a limit to what we can do.  Some reasons are completely out of your control and other situations arise where you might elect to taking care of your friend's dog that is sick vs. attending the event.  Again, quick notification in writing is necessary, but this does not guarantee a refund to you.  Each of these "fringe reasons" is handled on a case-by-case basis.  In most cases, ASGA gets a preferred rate at a hotel or resort because we guarantee a block of rooms will be filled.  If individuals drop-out, we may not be in a position to refund any deposits, monies, etc., depending on whether we met the contract criteria or not.

If you are planning to attend with someone and that person becomes sick and cannot attend, you are not entitled to a refund.  (Example:  your friend who's signed-up with you twists his ankle and needs to cancel the event.  Because the two of you were traveling together, you would rather not attend.  Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds to you under these circumstances.  You may, however, sell your position to another member.)

Notification Procedure

It is up to you to provide documentation to us.  Verbally expressing your reason is not sufficient.  If you are sick or have any other reason for cancelling your trip, please do the following:

  • Notify ASGA National as early as possible by phone.  This might save you money later.  Our phone number is 980-833-6450 or 1-888-GOLFMATE.  If not by phone, please notify us at
  • If it's the day of or the day before the event, you may also need to contact the host hotel to let them know as well.  The National office may be closed due to the event and therefore, we may not be able to receive your call.  Also, check the registration form to see if there is a separate phone number for the event coordinator and call that person right away.
  • Send written notices, notes from doctors, hospitals, etc. to ASGA, PO Box 848, Pineville, NC 28134  (keeping a copy for yourself), or send a scanned copy of the note via e-mail to or fax the note to 888-465-3295.  Please call and confirm our receipt of any information you send to us.

Upon presenting this information to us, we may issue a refund to the extent permissible under this policy.  Thank you.





