Chapter Management Your Source for Chapter Managers and Management Tools ASGA National started all chapters throughout the U. S. We have a certain methodology in terms of what works best and what doesn't with our 25 years experience in this business.
Here are the basics:
1. Each chapter is born with a set of bylaws. Bylaws can be amended by your chapter if you follow a certain procedure. Each member agrees to abide by the bylaws and policies of the organization when they first join. You did that when you joined online or submitted a written application to ASGA National.
To see the bylaws your chapter operates under, go to: www.SinglesGolf.com/bylaws
To see a list of all policies established by ASGA National, go to: www.SinglesGolf.com/policy
To see the basic structure of how a chapter is set-up, go to: www.SinglesGolf.com/OrganizationalChart
2. You might be new to the organization or new to a leadership position. It's important that you understand who does what, so here's a good place to go, depending on what position you're looking to serve in:
3. As a chapter leader, you will need to obtain current membership information. You can obtain this information simply by clicking on a link and inserting your username and password. This information is updated daily at the national office. Online membership data will always be more current than the roster received with your monthly newsletter. This same information is available to any current member when they log in using their unique username and password.
Chapter leaders are able to generate custom reports based on certain criteria, such as dues paid, new members, inquiries, expirations and most importantly, by date. This data is not available for downloading, however, you can copy and paste into an MSWord document to use at your discretion, e.g., e-mail address distribution lists, etc.
As mentioned, obtaining this information requires a username and password specific to your chapter. (You will not be able to pull information on other chapters, just your own.) If your predecessors did not pass the username and password onto you, please send an email to us with the subject line "Chapter Name - Membership Data" and we will return the current username and password to you.
4. Here is how you obtain your membership reports:
The membership report is important to the Chapter Treasurer. This is the data you will use to reconcile your monthly refunds from the national office. Please take a few moments and acquaint yourself with the Membership Report. There is a lot of information there. If you have trouble navigating through the steps, give us a call at 1-888-GOLFMATE or at 980-833-6450.
The membership report is important to the Membership Chairperson - You will use this info to see if someone has paid, has expired membership, joined, current address on file, monthly reconciliation of your monthly refund as to who paid, etc. Utilizing this information online will save a call to the national office and get the information to you much quicker. The membership report is important to the Communication Chair – Updating the chapter website can be accessed through this website as well as www.singlesgolf.com/mychapter. The membership report is important to the Golf Chair – You can update your member's handicaps by going into the report. Most chapters rely on the individual member to update his/her handicap since many maintain this information through other services. 5. Get your members into the habit of updating their own profile / data online. To take the burden off of each officer, we encourage individual members to update their personal information that appears on the roster on their own by going to www.SinglesGolf.com/MyAccount Questions? ASGA National is here to serve not only members but chapter leaders as well. If you have any issues or concerns, please email us or call 980-833-6450. Our hours are 9am to 2pm, M-F, eastern time zone. Thank you for volunteering your time and energy for your chapter. We appreciate what you do for ASGA!
American Singles Golf Association, Post Office Box 848, Pineville, NC 28134