Transitioning Into a New Administration
An important year-end process to help next year's leaders . . .

Each year, chapters elect their new officers for the following year in October and November.  Hopefully, by now, you've got your elections over and officers for next year are getting in place.  Your newly elected officers and appointments officially take office on January 1.  However, prior to that, it's important to notify the national office on who's actually filling your various chapter positions. 


  • Your newsletter's list of officers on page 2 needs to be updated
  • Your website needs to be updated  (your responsibility)
  • Your chapter roster needs to be updated

Who wants to start their new year listing all of last year's officers and directors?

So we have created a form for you to complete and submit to the national headquaters.  This form is a MSWord form so it should be easy to complete and submit.

The incoming chapter president is ultimately responsble for completing this form, however, it may be delegated to the incoming communications chairperson, present chapter president or present communications chairperson.  In most cases, however, ASGA National does not know yet who the incoming president is, so we're sending our request to the current president, board and committee chairs in hopes that SOMEONE from the chapter complete this form and get it back to us by December 20th.

Please coordinate between each of you to make sure that

only ONE PERSON submits the official listing.

Okay, click here to go to the form and begin filling it out.  Instructions on submitting it are at the bottom of the form.  Deadline to submit this to ASGA National again is December 20.  If information is not received in time for your January newsletter, the old information will continue to be published.
