What Exactly Is Singles Golf?
No one really knows. Our best guess is that it’s a bunch of people who are single (i.e. never married, divorced, widowed, or legally separated), age 21 or over who really, really, really enjoy golf.
There are 50+ chapters of the American Singles Golf Association (ASGA) in the U. S. Generally speaking, they each meet during the second or third week of the month (because there are generally no holidays during those weeks throughout the year). They mostly meet on a week night, usually from 6-9 pm at a local restaurant. A good turnout for meetings is important because SINGLES WANT TO MEET OTHER SINGLES IN QUANTITY - - so members are always encouraged to BRING A FRIEND to the meeting, monthly social, golf outings, cookouts . . . anything the chapter is involved in.
The meetings are fun and informal. Most clubs have guest speakers occasionally (almost every meeting!), and these people speak about golf - about how to improve pace of play, how to buy golf clubs, etc. The members come away from the meetings with thoughts like "I had dinner with some really nice people" and "I'm looking forward to going to the driving range." They know that playing golf once or twice each week with other singles will have a positive impact on their social life and look forward to this involvement.
Members and guests who show up at meetings and outings are there for the enjoyment of the chapter. But each chapter has to have some organization, and that comes in the form of a chapter president, four committee heads (golf, social, membership and communications), a secretary, treasurer, you know, the usual chapter stuff. Without this structure, your chapter will simply fall apart and people will stop having fun and renewing their dues. Run a good organization and your members will have fun and renew their dues annually. They’ll meet friends in quantity. SinglesGolf will FORCE you to have a social life. And after all is said and done in life, it’s your friends and family that you remember the most.
That’s kind of what SinglesGolf is all about . . . fun, fellowship and fairways!
If you're interested in playing a round, just click on JOIN / RENEW link on the left side of page. Take this opportunity and CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Frequently Asked Questions
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