Application to Start an Affiliate Chapter
of the
American Singles Golf Association

First Name Required
Last Name Required
Address Required
City Required
State Required
ZIP Code Required
Home Phone Enter at least one contact number
Work Phone Enter at least one contact number
Cell Phone Enter at least one contact number
Email Address Required
Proposed Chapter Name

On a scale of 1 to 5, with a 5 being "highly motivated to do so" and a 1 being "lowly motivated to do so," please answer these questions:
An answer to each of these survey questions is required. Thank you.
Are you willing to serve as chapter president until the first election comes up?
Are you willing to spend 4-6 hours each of the first four weeks to get the chapter up and running?
Are you willing to conduct a monthly membership meeting for your members?
Do you look forward to speaking before a group each month at your membership meeting?
Are you willing to recruit committee heads and committee members to organize your chapter?
Do you have good organizational skills?
Do you have good communication skills?
Do you have the ability to delegate?
Do you feel comfortable asking people to do something without pay?

Enter the five characters you see to the left in the box below:

By clicking on the SUBMIT button below, you agree to the New Chapter Terms and Conditions as set-forth herein.