CAUTION: Do not use this form to request changes of address, phone numbers, handicaps, etc.
Click here to make those changes.
Name: Req'd
Address 1: Req'd
Address 2:
City: Req'd
State/Province: Req'd
Zip: Req'd
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Email: Req'd
Are you a member?Yes
Please send me rack cards and the rack card stand (as shown below) to help my chapter grow. I need a total of rack card stands to distribute to the same number of area pro shops or golf stores. I understand that by placing a stand in a pro shop or golf store, they will be listed in our chapter newsletter as being IN PARTNERSHIP with our local chapter. I will notify you which courses agreed to allow the stand to be shown in their pro shop or golf store by supplying to ASGA the name of the course or store and listing such for one year in our local chapter newsletter.

I agree to email the name and address of any entity that agrees to place the stands in their location by emailing course names, address and phone to for inclusion in our upcoming chapter newsletters.
Please send me a set of 14 lost clubs labels for my golf clubs. Use for my phone number on the labels. (Use XXX-YYY-ZZZZ format)
Please include your comments below:
Enter the five characters you see to the left in the box below:

 If you would like to contact us please use the form to the left or call us at 980-833-6450 or 1-888-GOLFMATE.

American Singles Golf Association
PO Box 848,
Pineville, NC 28134